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Powder processing Health & Safety

The very nature of our business demands that we operate a strict Health & Safety Management System, carrying out COSHH analyses and chemical task risk assessments for all materials that we handle, and create Safe Systems of Work for all processes and tasks.



We evaluate the impact of every material we process and insist upon full disclosure before we agree to accept delivery of a material. We recognise that many of the components we handle can be proprietary, which is why we regularly handle commercially sensitive information and chemicals under NDA’s or contracts. Each material is fully assessed for the plant or process it is assigned to, and each plant is equipped with the necessary controls. Our employees are all required to wear the correct personal protective equipment (PPE), for both their own protection and, in some cases, also the material’s protection.



The evaluation of a material’s suitability is not solely restricted to its toxicity or reactivity. Many chemicals can form an explosive atmosphere when certain conditions are met, and these conditions invariably exist within a milling system. The team at British Rema assesses the risk of each compound to determine whether it can be safely processed in our contract powder processing facility. Although our processing plants are rated for and protected against very explosive materials, on occasions the risk can be too great, even for a technically astute team such as ours.