Meet the team – Zain Ali
Zain Ali, a one-year placement student from Sheffield Hallam Uni, joined the team here at British Rema in July 2023 with the hope of gaining direct experience of working with a heritage British manufacturer.
As Zain’s placement year of a BEng Hon Chemical Engineering, Zain was actively seeking on-the-job experience with a company in a sector relevant to his degree and British Rema was very happy to support this ambition. Andrew Green, Process Engineering Manager, was keen to offer work experience to a student studying for a relevant degree and Zain fitted the bill perfectly;
“British Rema approached Sheffield Hallam University to take on a placement student to help support our Quality and Laboratory function with a few short-term projects. The benefit of taking on a placement student rather than employing someone on a temporary contract has proved significantly beneficial to British Rema. His dedication and give it a go attitude are just what was needed to get these tasks across the line. Zain has mixed with staff from shop floor level through to the boardroom brilliantly”
Over the last year, Zain has primarily worked for the Processing business at the Chesterfield facility; spending time in a number of departments and working with a number of personnel over the course of his placement. He’s gained fantastic experience in the main production/processing area; understanding the equipment, customer requirements, the processes and the general flow of product/material through the facility.
He’s also spent time in the Product Laboratory and Quality Control departments where samples of product are analysed for size and consistency against required specification. His stint in the Process Equipment and Rotary Engineering businesses included visiting customers and understanding the applications for the equipment manufactured.
As he plans his return to university in September, Zain believes he has gained unparalleled experience in the workplace which has really helped him understand how he can put his degree to the best use;
“I have had a great year with British Rema and really appreciate the insight into the industry it has given me. Working across several areas of the business I have gained a real appreciation for how a company is run, as well as a good all-round understanding of the equipment, production processes, quality control, product analysis and packaging/despatch.
I have met some great people whilst at British Rema and I look forward to staying in touch and hopefully returning after completing my degree.”
Outside of work and studies Zain plays football in his local midweek 5-a-side league, reads and plays the keyboard. He is also an avid traveller and is looking forward to spending more time abroad.
The team at British Rema has thoroughly enjoyed working with Zain and wish him all the best for his return to university and successful completion of his degree.
“We look forward to hearing more from Zain and how his career unfolds.”
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